Friday, 8 August 2014

Well Conceived Huangshan Tours Make Better Memories

Wreathed in sultry but spectral misty folds, the twisted pines and archetypal granite peaks of Hangzhou make your China and shanghai private tour more memorable. Organizers of your well conceived Huangshan tour ensure that you enjoy these and the many other idyllic views of the region in the best possible way –without hurting your wallet or going through any unwarranted travel hassles that may leave you wanting for more.

Legions of painters and poets have been drawing upon their inspiration from the iconic beauty of Hangzhou. Though the flurry of artists looking for an escape from the maddening urban crowds have been replaced by the hustle and bustle of crowds of tourists; the city continues to exude its eternal charm and rewards visitors with many moments of unearthly views, tranquility and quietude.

Read on for some exciting ways of making your Huangshan tour all the more fun-filled and value-oriented by visiting these locations that are a far removed from the standard tourist places mentioned in your guide book.

Nánpíng near Western Villages (Yixiàn)

Boasting of a history that dates back 1100 years, the labyrinthine and intriguing village of Nánpíng is situated 5kms to the western precincts of Yixiàn town. Reputed for being the venue of Zhang Yimou’s tragedy that took place in 1989; the main draws of this colorful hotspot are the stunning locales of the Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.


Just 3km away from Hóngcun lies the quaint and pretty hamlet of Tachuana. Mostly visited for its stunning scenery and panoramic views of the lush valleys beyond, this heavenly destination is an eclectic mix of shades of orange, yellow, green and brown during autumn—making it haven for photographers, tourists and nature enthusiasts alike.


Ranking high on the itinerary of Shanghai private tour mongers desirous of having a closer look at the Western Villages (Yixiàn) of Hangzhou, Guanlù lies further down the road that carries on beyond Nánpíng and is situated at a distance of 8 km of Yixiàn. The sights worth seeing in this little destination are its fabulous households that boast of a flourishing clan of eight rich brothers. These Qing-dynasty residences showcase light wells, elegant Huizhou features, carved wood panels, interior courtyards, halls and small gardens.

Mùkeng Zhúhai

Mùkeng’s bamboo forest is the perfect place to escape the loud packs of art students and megaphones and provides some excellent opportunities for hikers and those looking for serene environs for precious moments of solitude. If you have doted over the bamboo-top fight scenes in Hidden Dragon or the Crouching Tiger, then do know that they were shot here!


Hóngcun—the popular Unesco World Heritage site, dates back to the southern Song dynasty and is an ethereal village located 11kms away from Yixiàn. The attractions of this venue are its crescent-shaped Moon Pond encircled by South Lake, Léigang Mountains and the West Stream –a rare treat indeed!

Chéngzhì Hall and Xidì are other places worthy of a look too—enjoy!

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